Computer science studies the process of computing, using ideas drawn from the fields of system design, mathematics, and engineering. The research emphasis at Wesleyan is on theoretical computer science. Upon completing the program, majors should be well-versed in understanding appropriate levels of abstraction for solving computational problems, how to program in high-level language, the design and analysis of algorithms, how to create original computational structures, and the limits of computation itself. MA and BA/MA programs are also offered.

Students who major in computer science often pursue careers in software and web development, computer programming, technical support/IT, database administration, and more.

What You'll Study

  • Computer science majors must complete the following courses: Computer Science I and II; Computer Structure and Organization; Automata Theory and Formal Languages, Algorithms and Complexity, and Design of Programming Languages; two additional electives; Discrete Mathematics or Abstract Algebra; and Vectors and Matrices or Linear Algebra.
  • All computer science majors are encouraged to write a senior thesis under the direction of one of the faculty.