Architecture, drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and typography. Wesleyan’s art studio program gives students the opportunity to become fluent in visual language as a means to explore intellectual issues and human experience.

Art studio majors learn technique while searching for a personal vision, working toward the successful completion of the major’s comprehensive requirement: the presentation of a one-person exhibition in the spring of senior year.

What You'll Study

  • Wesleyan's art studio program seeks to reflect the diversity of technical and intellectual approaches practiced in the field of visual art and is open to interdisciplinary experimentation as well as traditionally focused studies.
  • As an art studio major, you'll be required to complete Drawing I and four additional art studio courses, at least one of which must be in either of the three-dimensional areas (sculpture or architecture); four art history courses (one of which must be non-Western, one classical through Renaissance, and one must be post-Renaissance); and two semesters of senior thesis.
  • At the time of application for major status, you'll be expected to have completed Drawing I, one art history course, and another art studio course. Prospective majors must consult with an art studio faculty member (in the proposed area of study) who is willing to serve as advisor.