Accessibility Checklist
Digital Accessibility
- Non-decorative images have accurate, descriptive alternative text.
- Section headings are used to organize content and are built using appropriate Header tags.
- header tags should be used in order
- Link text should be meaningful when read out of context.
- change a link of Read More — to — Read More in the Course Catalog
change a link of Click Here — to be descriptive to your destination — Course Catalog.
- change a link of Read More — to — Read More in the Course Catalog
- Text conveys information rather than images of text. (e.g. JPEGs, PNGs and other image files should not be used to display text).
- Site complies with Wesleyan's Web Accessibility Policy and does not return errors when checked with the web AIM accessibility evaluation tool.
University Identity
- Site complies with the University's Visual Identity and Editorial Style Guide.
- For departmental websites that are maintained through Cascade the University's visual identitity is included in the shared header and footer
- For WordPress sites the university's visual identity is included in the 3 preferred themes (Wesleyan Generate Press, Wesleyan Logo Only and Wesleyan Scholar)
Website Best Practices
- Content is accurate, up-to-date and free of typos.
- The site is responsive and viewable on a mobile device.
- if using Cascade or one of the preferred templates in WordPress your site is responsive and viewable on a mobile device
- Images are optimized (e.g. generally less than 200 KB in file size).
- Site does not duplicate information from authoritative University sources (e.g. course information, tuition and fees, academic calendar dates, etc.).
- Navigation is clear, concise and facilitates access to the information visitors seek.
*adapted from Brown University's Website Pre-Launch Checklist