Accessibility Checklist

Digital Accessibility

  1. Non-decorative images have accurate, descriptive alternative text. 
  2. Section headings are used to organize content and are built using appropriate Header tags.
    • header tags should be used in order
  3. Link text should be meaningful when read out of context.
    • change a link of Read More   — to — Read More in the Course Catalog
      change a link of Click Here — to be descriptive to your destination — Course Catalog.
  4. Text conveys information rather than images of text. (e.g. JPEGs, PNGs and other image files should not be used to display text).
  5. Site complies with Wesleyan's Web Accessibility Policy and does not return errors when checked with the web AIM accessibility evaluation tool.

University Identity

  1. Site complies with the University's Visual Identity and Editorial Style Guide.
    • For departmental websites that are maintained through Cascade the University's visual identitity is included in the shared header and footer
    • For WordPress sites the university's visual identity is included in the 3 preferred themes (Wesleyan Generate Press, Wesleyan Logo Only and Wesleyan Scholar)

Website Best Practices

  1. Content is accurate, up-to-date and free of typos.
  2. The site is responsive and viewable on a mobile device.
    • if using Cascade or one of the preferred templates in WordPress your site is responsive and viewable on a mobile device
  3. Images are optimized (e.g. generally less than 200 KB in file size).
  4. Site does not duplicate information from authoritative University sources (e.g. course information, tuition and fees, academic calendar dates, etc.).
  5. Navigation is clear, concise and facilitates access to the information visitors seek.


*adapted from Brown University's Website Pre-Launch Checklist