Wesleyan portrait of Timothy  Ku

Timothy Ku

Associate Professor, Integrative Sciences

Exley Science Center - Complex Room 449, 265 Church Street

Associate Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Exley Science Center - Complex Room 449, 265 Church Street


BS University of Rochester
MS University of Michigan
PHD University of Michigan

Timothy Ku

Dr. Timothy Ku is an aqueous and sedimentary geochemist who examines questions related to early diagenesis, freshwater and marine carbonate systems, and paleoenvironmental proxies.  Part of his work examines the implications of biogeochemical cycling of elements at or near the sediment-water as it relates to mineral dissolution, mineral precipitation, or the preservation of isotopic signals.  Other projects use sediments as archives of past water column conditions to reconstruct the environmental history of a water body or the surrounding land.  The work usually consists of field collection and laboratory measurments.

Dr. Timothy Ku grew up in Northeast Ohio before attending the University of Rochester and the University of Michigan.

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

Open door policy, please contact by email or phone if you would like a meeting.


Spring 2025
E&ES 230 - 01

E&ES 231 - 01
Sed/Strat Lab

E&ES 498 - 01
Senior Field Research Project

Fall 2025
E&ES 250 - 01
Environmental Geochemistry

E&ES 251 - 01
Environmental Geochemistry Lab