Wesleyan portrait of Lori  Gruen

Lori Gruen

Professor, Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Philosophy, Russell House 350 High Street

Professor, CPE

Philosophy, Russell House 350 High Street

Coordinator, Animal Studies

Philosophy, Russell House 350 High Street

Professor, Science in Society

Philosophy, Russell House 350 High Street

Professor of Philosophy

Philosophy, Russell House 350 High Street

William Griffin Professor of Philosophy

Philosophy, Russell House 350 High Street


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BA University of Colorado Boulder
PHD University of Colorado Boulder

Lori Gruen

Lori Gruen is a leading scholar in Animal Studies and Feminist Philosophy.  She works primarily in ethics and social and poitical philosophy and is a prolific scholar. She is the author and editor of over a dozen books, including Ethics and Animals: An Introduction (Cambridge, 2011, second edition 2021), Entangled Empathy (Lantern, 2015), Animal Crisis (Polity, 2022) co-authored with Alice Crary., Carceral Logics (Cambridge, 2022) co-edited with Justin Marceau, Critical Terms for Animal Studies (Chicago, 2018), Ecofeminism:  Feminist Intersections with Other Animals and the Earth (Bloomsbury 2014, second edition 2022, co-edited with Carol J. Adams), Ethics of Captivity (Oxford, 2014), and others.  Gruen's work ifocuses on ethical and political issues that impact those often overlooked in traditional philosophical investigations, e.g. women and other marginalized genders, people of color, incarcerated people, and non-human animals. She is a Fellow of the Hastings Center for Bioethics, was a Faculty Fellow at Tufts’ Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine’s Center for Animals and Public Policy, is a fellow of the Brooks Animal Studies Academic Network and was the first and founding chair of the Faculty Advisory Committee of the Center for Prison Education at Wesleyan. Gruen has documented the history of The First 100 chimpanzees in research in the US and has an evolving website that documents the journey to sanctuary of the remaining chimpanzees in research labs, The Last 1000.

Gruen has written on a range of topics in practical ethics, feminist philosophy and political philosophy. Her current projects include exploring captivity and the ethical and political questions raised by carceral logics.

Academic Affiliations


Fall 2025
PHIL 215 - 01
Humans, Animals,Nature

PHIL 368 - 01
Ethics of Captivity