Industrials, Pastorals, The Elements: Sandra Newbury Photographs

Tuesday October 28, 1997 - Sunday December 14, 1997
Industrials, Pastorals, The Elements: Sandra Newbury Photographs


Sandra Newbury (B.A. Wesleyan 1986) made her "Industrials" and "Pastorals" series of large photographs from multiple negatives, using camera movement and darkroom manipulation to blur the images.

In her series "Elements," Newbury melds urban and architectural images to represent earth, air, fire, and water.

Tuesday 28 October - Friday 5 December 1997

The artist gave a gallery talk on Wednesday 12 November.

Sandra Newbury images: top, from Industrials series; above, from Pastorals (original art copyright Sandra Newbury; photos courtesy Ehlers Caudill Gallery).